Riga New Jewish cemetery “Smerli”

Lizuma iela 4, Rīga, LV-1006

Ex., "Михаил Таль"

Search of a burial

To find a burial in the cemetery database please use "Home" or "Search" pages. In the search bar visitors can enter the required details of the buried person in any of the 3 languages: Russian, Latvian, and English.

You can search both by surname, name, and patronymic, and any one of these parameters. Besides textual information, the search can be carried out also by date and year of birth and death.

If you do not find the person you are looking for right away, try different spellings of surname/name/patronymic. If you cannot find the data about the buried person on the site and you are sure that this person is buried in the cemetery, please contact the cemetery administration at the email address: [email protected]

Search results

The search results list displays all records that fully or partially meet the search query.

The list of results shows two types of data:

  • Records of the burial sites that were found in the cemetery
  • Records of the burial sites that were not found in the cemetery

Photos will be displayed only for those records of the buried people whose graves were found.

For those who were buried in the cemetery but whose burial sites were not found the search results will only display the information recorded in the cemetery book.